While liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries worldwide and has been available for decades, several misconceptions still linger about the procedure, the recovery, and the results. Today, we’ll debunk 10 of the most common liposuction myths and explain the facts.
1. Liposuction Helps You Lose Weight
There are limits to how much fat qualified plastic surgeons will remove during a liposuction procedure. Part of having realistic expectations for this procedure includes mentally preparing for the fact that the number you see when you step on the scale after getting liposuction may only be two to five pounds less. Liposuction is not a quick fix for weight loss; it is a surgery designed to spot-tone and shape specific trouble spots. Dr. de la Pedraja asks his patients to be within 30% of their target weight before considering liposuction.
2. Liposuction Removes Cellulite
Cellulite does not result from excess fat. Instead, it occurs when subcutaneous fat presses against connective tissue bands under the skin, causing a lumpy, “orange-peel” effect. As a result, liposuction does not address this cosmetic concern.
3. Liposuction Is Only for Younger People
Patients in good health, regardless of age, can be suitable candidates for liposuction. However, skin laxity is common with age, which will compromise your skin’s ability to bounce back quickly over your new contour.
4. Liposuction Is Dangerous
While there is a small risk of complications with any surgical procedure, liposuction is less invasive than most, employing tiny incisions that heal quickly. Choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon and carefully following their instructions before and after surgery should minimize risk and help boost your cosmetic benefits.
5. Liposuction Addresses Loose Skin
Issues like a double chin or a “muffin top” may involve sagging and lax skin in addition to excess fat. Liposuction will address the unwanted fat, but loose skin will require another procedure.
6. Fat Removed Will Return After Liposuction
Liposuction is a permanent solution to excess fat cells that resist diet and exercise. Once these fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good. However, the remaining fat cells can grow and affect body contours if you fail to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
7. Liposuction Is a Shortcut
As discussed above, liposuction is not a way to cut corners and reach your diet and fitness goals sooner. Since liposuction aims to streamline specific trouble zones for people within a healthy weight range, maintaining your appearance after surgery should include continuing the wellness habits that allowed you to reach your goal weight in the first place.
8. You Can Get Back to Your Routine Right After Liposuction
Though it is a relatively straightforward outpatient procedure, liposuction requires recovery. The most common effects you can anticipate include swelling, bruising, and discomfort at and around the treatment sites.
While the healing process varies, you should plan to take at least a week off from work to heal, you may need to take a week off from work. It may take four to six weeks before you can resume your exercise routine or other strenuous activities. It may take a few weeks for you to return to regular exercise and strenuous activities. i do not restrict patients after liposuction. whenever you feel like geeting back into your routine, you can.
9. Liposuction Is Only for Women
Dr. de la Pedraja frequently consults with men thinking about liposuction. As one of the top five most popular cosmetic surgeries for men, liposuction helps sculpt a more masculine physique in areas like the abdomen, love handles, and chest.
10. Liposuction Is Always the Answer to Belly Fat
Liposuction targets subcutaneous fat below the skin and above the muscle. This surgery will not affect visceral fat – the kind surrounding your internal organs. A comprehensive diet and exercise program is the only solution to this cosmetic problem.
Get Ready to Look and Feel Your Best
If you’re ready to learn more about liposuction in Coral Gables and Miami, schedule your liposuction consultation by calling (305) 441-9144 or contacting us online today.