Whether you have only heard of a mommy makeover recently or have known about the comprehensive treatment for a while now, it is essential to have full details about a mommy makeover in Miami, Fl before considering one. It is only natural to be curious about this transformative procedure and what it has to offer to you. At Gables Plastic Surgery, Dr. Jorge de la Pedraja, our board-certified practitioner, prioritizes professionalism, transparency, and honesty in all aspects.
As a part of these core principles, Dr. Jorge de la Pedraja seeks to address your inquiries regarding the different treatments involved in the mommy makeover. If you are looking to learn more about the mommy makeover experience and the five treatments that are included in the mommy makeover, you can find information in this detailed guide.
Treatments That Can Be Included in a Mommy Makeover
The mommy makeover procedures address the core and common physical areas that undergo changes during the initial phases of motherhood. The shifts that take place during the early stages of motherhood are larger breasts and abdomen expansion. A gradual physical revision takes place after pregnancy and nursing, but it can present further physical variations. These alterations include a reduction in breast volume and more prominent sagging. Often, the post-pregnancy stage brings about a less taut appearance.
As such, many mothers will want to address these physical changes and strive to return to a pre-pregnancy physical form. The mommy makeover experience includes procedures that can help to meet these goals.
A mommy makeover focuses on the breasts and abdomen and is comprised of:
- Breast-related procedures, including augmentation, lift with augmentation, lift, or reduction
- Tummy tuck
- Liposuction
- Labiaplasty
- Thigh lift
Of course, it is essential to note that a mommy makeover includes only the procedures that address the concerns and needs of each individual patient.
What Exactly Is a Mommy Makeover?
A mommy makeover is a collection of procedures that help mothers to more easily return to their pre-pregnancy physical frame.
The early stages of motherhood bring about a great deal of changes, both physical and lifestyle oriented. Mothers appreciate their accomplishment of having children, but often they want to restore their peak and optimal appearance. An optimal post-pregnancy appearance can bring about higher morale, confidence, and poise. At the same time, it can also help rejuvenate the spirit, enabling the mother to be self-assured and bold.
A mommy makeover is widely seen as an effective way to address the changes that arise during the pregnancy and its aftereffects. The mommy makeover experience targets bodily changes that range from excess abdominal skin to breast-related procedures.
In essence, the mommy makeover experience can include procedures that help restore those areas affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding that can affect confidence and body image. After a consultation, some women may want to customize and add further procedures for an optimally rejuvenated appearance.
The right combination of these rejuvenation procedures will augment confidence and aid in enhancing overall vitality.
Do I Have to Be a Mother to Have a Mommy Makeover?
Many women hear the phrase “mommy makeover” and wonder if it is only applicable to mothers or to those whose children have long since grown up. The simple answer to this inquiry is that mommy makeovers are applicable to moms and to those who are not mothers as well. A wide variety of women boldly move forward with this procedure because they find they can benefit from this collection of procedures.
A mommy makeover is a concept that consists of procedures that focus on areas of the body that undergo changes during the pregnancy and post-pregnancy phase. However, pregnancy is not the only cause of many of these concerns, such as sagging breasts, fat deposits, or excess skin.
Many women may notice these same issues due to a variety of factors that range from age to hereditary traits. Age, lifestyle, and genes can all contribute to more fat deposits, loose skin, and other aspects that many seek to address. Many of the procedures that are typically performed simultaneously through the mommy makeover experience can play a crucial role in contributing toward a transformation.
Whether one is looking for a tummy tuck coupled with a thigh lift or a breast augmentation and liposuction, a consultation with Dr. de la Pedraja can certainly be the start of your body rejuvenation journey. Depending on their aesthetic goals, different women aim for different changes and will benefit from a customized set of procedures. Essentially, many different types of women may seek these procedures to enhance their physical appearance and boost their confidence and self-image. Women of all types may benefit from a customized set of procedures during their “mommy makeover” to increase their overall vitality.
It is essential to note that the mommy makeover experience aims to meet your specific goals. You can discuss these needs with Dr. de la Pedraja during your mommy makeover consultation.
How Should You Prepare for a Mommy Makeover?
An important factor in considering a mommy makeover is how you should prepare for a mommy makeover. This is a common question and a fantastic question to ask because it helps you ensure to do your part to optimize for your success.
Key Points to Consider
Here are a few points to consider as you prepare for your mommy makeover.
Consider Your Ideal Weight
It is essential to remember that mommy makeovers are body contouring procedures for Miami women who are looking to enhance their physical appearance. Ideally, a candidate for a mommy makeover should be at or near their ideal weight. While a few procedures included in a mommy makeover can help to slightly reduce a few pounds, it’s important to remember that a mommy makeover is a body contouring procedure rather than a substitute for weight loss options.
Customized Treatments
The first step of the mommy makeover process is conducting the consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. Your consultation is essential because it helps your surgeon to understand your goals and needs, assess them, and to use their expertise and experience to present the right procedures. Each mommy makeover should be customized to address the needs of the individual patient rather than a one-size-fits-all solution.
During your consultation, you can also discuss aspects such as your medical history, previous procedures, or lifestyle concerns as you move forward with your mommy makeover. Your surgeon will also help you navigate which procedures should best address your particular needs. This time also provides an excellent
opportunity to review your surgeon’s before and after photos to see the extent of the transformation.
Clarify Any Concerns
The second point to consider is to ensure that you have full clarity over the process, the steps forward, and what the procedure procedures will entail. If you are aware of what your unique mommy makeover includes and understand why those particular procedures are best, then you can feel confident in undertaking it.
Follow the Pre-Operative Instructions
Pre-operative instructions cover aspects to be aware of prior to your surgery. These may range from quitting smoking to stopping certain medications or other aspects that are unique to your situation.
These other aspects may include suggestions to incorporate more nutrition into your diet or to ensure you achieve the right level of rest leading up to the mommy makeover. You may also be directed to reduce your stress levels to ensure your body is in optimal condition for surgery.
Plan to have general tasks, whether they are work-related or home-related, completed prior to your surgery. For instance, if you need to clean or prepare your meals ahead of time, it is best to do so, to limit your stress and worries prior to the procedure and afterward.
Prepare for Your Mommy Makeover Recovery
Another essential part of the process is to prepare for your mommy makeover recovery. A key suggestion is to arrange for transportation to and from your procedure and stay with you for the first few days to assist you as you recover from surgery. This person is even more crucial and critical if you are responsible for the care of young children, pets, or other family members.
Finally, it is necessary to plan for at least two weeks off after your procedure, those who have more physically strenuous jobs will likely need to have an additional week or two off.
This recovery phase is another critical part of the process, and we recommend investing the right amount of time for recovery to have the best experience and optimal results. It’s important to remember that your body has undergone a transformative experience, so it will need a little bit of time to adjust. Take the time to relax and adjust to your new physical form.
If you have any questions or concerns during your recovery, it is important to remember to call the professionals at Gables Plastic Surgery.
How Do You Maintain Mommy Makeover Results?
The next important part of the process is maintaining your mommy makeover results. What is the best and most optimal way of ensuring long-term success in this regard? Here are a few points to consider.
Get Enough Rest
Even after you have rested for two weeks or so, it is a good idea to move forward at a moderate pace. Schedule plenty of time for you to relax before resuming your busy schedule. This enables your body to consistently obtain the right amount of rest and to fully adjust to the changes.
Getting enough rest not only helps ensure a safe and effective recovery, but it will help you to maintain your mommy makeover results long after your recovery.
Ease Into a Regular Exercise Routine
After you ease out of the initial recovery period of two to four weeks, depending on your procedures, it is beneficial to incorporate strong habits, including an exercise routine.
This simple practice of applying the right behaviors can help you to maintain the mommy makeover. The right exercise routine will contribute to the maintenance of your mommy makeover and will help you to maintain long-term results. Another great benefit of exercise is that it contributes to self-confidence and helps with de-stressing and other aspects that will also prolong the benefits of the mommy makeover.
Maintain An Effective Diet
The right diet will certainly help in maintaining your energy levels and your health. If you can, gradually implement a rounded diet that contains plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and other nutritious options. Also, don’t forget to hydrate. Ensuring you have the right level of water in your diet certainly has a positive impact on your system.
The right level of general self-care and continuing your healthy habits can help to maintain the results of your mommy makeover. It is a great idea to ensure to practice great habits that range from exercising to eating well to getting the necessary amount of rest and relaxation to have optimal results.
Why Choosing the Right Mommy Makeover Provider Matters
You are interested in optimizing your appearance and are pleased to take action to boost your self-image. Further, you are near your ideal weight and have identified that a mommy makeover is your ideal option.
The next step is to work with the right provider in Miami who will provide a holistic solution and address all your questions. If you are looking to move forward with a mommy makeover and want to set up a consultation, schedule a consultation with Dr. Jorge de la Pedraja by calling (305) 441-9144 or completing our contact form today!