Breast augmentation with implants can help you revise your breast proportions to your liking. But with so many variables to decide between, choosing an implant size can seem a little daunting. By reaching out to a qualified plastic surgeon, you can confidently find your ideal breast size.
Once you learn about the range of implant options, the factors that might influence them, and the details to remember about your figure, you can find suitable breast implants that fulfill your aesthetic and functional goals.
At Gables Plastic Surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jorge de la Pedraja can help you with this process. Here is an overview of choosing the correct implant size for your breast augmentation.
What Is Breast Augmentation, and Why Does Size Matter?
Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that allows you to enhance your breast size with silicone or saline implants.
Breast implants are available in various sizes and shapes, giving you the flexibility to select your ideal appearance. Since modern breast implants last at least a decade, choosing wisely is crucial for your long-term satisfaction.
What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing Your Implant Size?
Dr. de la Pedraja will use his expertise to help you make the ideal choices, based on variables like these.
Your Current Breast Proportions
Your natural breast size, shape, projection, and contours are crucial when picking the correct implant size for your breast augmentation. By understanding what you want to change about your breasts, you can look for an implant size and material to achieve your aesthetic goals.
Your Overall Figure
Your body type – including your chest, shoulder, and hip proportions – also play a role in choosing your implant size. Your goal is to get implants that balance your silhouette and help you become more confident in your appearance.
Your Aesthetic Goals
Some women prefer subtle, natural-looking breast implant results, while others can’t wait to show off their enhanced figure. Depending on your inclinations, you can explore implant size options that feel more appealing to you.
Your Lifestyle
If you love sports, challenging workouts, and outdoor adventures, you may want to opt for more modest breast implants. Alternatively, if you are not worried about larger breasts impeding your physical activities, you may look toward larger sizes.
How Can You Determine Your Ideal Breast Size?
Seeking expert advice from a qualified plastic surgeon is the optimal way to determine your ideal breast size. Before consulting with a breast surgery expert, consider the following factors to narrow down your ideal breast size.
- Height
- Body type
- Aesthetic preferences
- Lifestyle
For instance, if you are tall and broad-chested, larger implants might fit your frame seamlessly. Smaller implants will likely be a better choice if you are petite. Still, implant size is ultimately a matter of personal preference, so you’d be wise to discuss all your goals and concerns with a plastic surgeon.
What Are the Available Types of Breast Implants?
Breast implants come in silicone and saline. Either type may last at least a decade before you begin considering a replacement.
Silicone implants consist of an outer shell filled with a silicone gel. Most patients say they prefer the natural look and feel. While traditional silicone implants carry the risk of spreading the gel into the surrounding breast tissue in the rare event of a rupture, cohesive gel implants avoid this possibility due to their more stable form. The gel implants used today have a more cohesive gel to minimize gel bleed if there is a rupture.
Saline implants have an outer shell made of silicone and are filled with sterile saltwater. Unlike silicone implants, which come pre-filled, saline implants come empty. Your surgeon will fill them with the saltwater solution after inserting them into your breasts. This flexibility makes them adjustable.
While silicone implants are more popular, some women prefer saline implants for safety reasons. If saline implants rupture, the resulting health risks are minimal because your body will harmlessly absorb the sterile solution.
Other Variables
Both breast implant materials are available in a wide range of sizes. They also come in round or teardrop shapes, depending on whether you prefer a more dramatic or natural-looking enhancement. Additionally, silicone and saline implants come in different profile options that affect their fullness, shape, and how far they project from your chest wall.
How Do You Choose the Appropriate Implant Size and Profile?
When you start looking at implants, you may be surprised to find they do not correspond to your bra cups. Instead, these devices come in cubic centimeters. Many women choose implants between 250 and 500 CC, though smaller and larger sizes are available.
CCs do not directly correlate to a cup size increase because your proportions affect how implants may enhance your figure. If you’re taller than average or have a broad chest and shoulders, the number of cubic centimeters needed to translate to a cup size boost will likely be higher, as the implant volume will spread more thinly on a larger frame.
Implant profile refers to the fullness of your breast implants and how much they project from your chest after your breast augmentation. These options include low-profile, moderate-plus-profile, high-profile, and extra-high-profile. Your plastic surgeon can help you determine which profile may help you achieve your desired appearance.
How Can You Confidently Choose the Right Implant Size?
Discussing your goals and concerns with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon is the most effective way to find the correct breast implant size for you. Breast specialists have effective tools, visual references, and seasoned advice to help you make an informed decision about your breast implant surgery.
Ask your surgeon to provide the following.
- Before-and-after photos: View real-life breast augmentation results of patients with a similar body type.
- Breast measurements: Get personalized advice from your plastic surgeon about the size range of breast implants that may suit you.
- Reference implant sizes: Explore physical samples of implants that fall in the range of your ideal breast size and shape.
What Can You Expect During Breast Augmentation Surgery and Recovery?
Once you have chosen your ideal implant size with help from a qualified plastic surgeon, you can proceed with your augmentation. Since breast implant surgery is an outpatient procedure, you do not need to stay at the hospital overnight. You can go home the same day and continue your recovery at home.
Though Dr. de la Pedraja customizes every breast augmentation surgery, you can typically expect the following steps.
- Your medical team will greet you, ensure you are comfortable, and answer any last-minute questions before administering general anesthesia.
- Your surgeon will mark you in the preop area and go over any questions you may have also before you go into the operating room.
- Your surgeon will make targeted incisions around your breasts, according to your specific surgical plan.
- Your surgeon will carefully insert the implants into your breast pockets.
- If you have chosen saline implants, your surgeon will fill them with saltwater.
- Your surgeon closes the incisions.
- You initially rest in a comfortable recovery room. Once you are medically stable, you can go home.
While breast implant recovery may vary on a case-by-case basis, your experience may include the following.
For the First Few Days
- You may notice mild to moderate pain around your breasts, which you can manage with prescription and over-the-counter pain medication.
- You may experience swelling and bruising around the surgery site. We will provide a surgical support bra to support your new contours while they heal.
- You may need to take about a week off work. If your job is physically demanding, request a longer break.
During the First Few Weeks
- Your swelling and bruising will start wearing off. However,please continue wearing your compression garments until Dr. de la Pedraja clears you to stop.
- You’ll continue to feel sensitive around your breasts. This sensation may persist for four to six weeks.
- You will need to steer clear of physically demanding activities. Please do not do any strenuous exercise until Dr. de la Pedraja gives you permission to resume exercising. However, you can take gentle walks to encourage circulation as soon as you feel well enough to do so.
Dr. de la Pedraja will provide you with a list of detailed breast implant recovery instructions that can help you manage pain, swelling, bruising, and other side effects to promote healing. He’ll also assess your progress at regular follow-up appointments to ensure you are healing well, with minimal risk of complications.
Can You Change Your Implant Size Later On?
If you are dissatisfied with your implant size after breast augmentation, you can get a revision surgery to replace your implants with a set that is more suitable to your preferences. Alternatively, you can also remove your implants altogether.
What Happens if You Choose the Wrong Implant Size?
Choosing ill-suited breast implants may result in unsatisfying results, low self-esteem, and the expense and downtime of a revision or implant removal surgery. When you work with a qualified plastic surgeon, you can be more confident in your decision. The best breast surgeons will be honest with you about what you can realistically expect to achieve with augmentation surgery, based on factors such as your body type, age, skin elasticity, and how you carry yourself.
Can You Select Implants That Are Much Larger Than Your Current Breast Size?
Yes, it’s possible to choose implants that are significantly larger than your natural breasts. However, if you want a dramatic size increase, your surgeon may recommend more than one surgery. Remember, your skin will need to stretch to accommodate larger implants, which takes time.
Since your ideal breast size depends upon your preference, you should feel comfortable discussing your aesthetic goals with your plastic surgeon. After getting a specialist’s advice on how your desired implant size may complement your figure and lifestyle, you can make an informed decision about your breast augmentation.
Schedule Your Miami Breast Augmentation Consultation Today!
After learning how to choose the right breast implant size, you can start exploring your options with more confidence about the process. In your initial consultation with Dr. de la Pedraja, you can learn how a Miami breast augmentation can help you realize your goals. To schedule your consultation, call (305) 441-9144 or contact us online today.