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Category Archives: Breast Lift

  1. Should You Add Implants to a Breast Lift?

    The physical effects of aging, weight loss, and breastfeeding can make your breasts lose their volume and firmness over time. This leads to sagging breasts that may look deflated and wrinkled. With a breast lift (mastopexy), you can rejuvenate your breasts to give them a more youthful appearance. But that’s where you may start wondering… Read More

  2. Why Women Choose Breast Lift Surgery

    Though breast lifts are somewhat less sought-after than breast augmentation, breast lifts remain enduringly popular cosmetic choices. Breast lift surgery is second only to breast augmentation for the number of breast procedures annually. This breast rejuvenation surgery addresses the common cosmetic concerns many women have about their breasts, including the following. Resize the Areolas In… Read More

  3. Helpful Tips for Your Breast Lift Recovery

    A breast lift is a common procedure to enhance the youthful appearance of breasts and the overall figure. While all patients and breast lift surgeries are unique, here are some tips to help during your recovery period. At Gables Plastic Surgery, Dr. Jorge de la Pedraja wants your breast lift in Miami recovery to go… Read More