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  1. How to Choose a Plastic Surgeon for Your Neck Lift

    Though there are thousands of practicing plastic surgeons in the U.S., not all of them have the same experience, training, and specialties. That’s because succeeding in this competitive field requires a unique blend of medical training and artistic talent to help you achieve your goals. Neck lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure to correct sagging… Read More

  2. Top Cosmetic Procedures to Improve Neck Contours

    Noticeable facial contour issues don’t only arise in the areas between your forehead and jawline. Many people realize this fact once their neckline changes with age. Skin laxity, deeply etched wrinkles, and excess fat below your chin can add years to your appearance. Unfortunately, your neck can be one of the most challenging places to… Read More

  3. Top Procedures to Have During Springtime

    As springtime rejuvenates the world around us with new life, many of us are ready to spend as much time as possible outside enjoying the beautiful Miami weather. So, whether you’re hitting the beach or your favorite restaurant, spring is the perfect time to look your best. Cosmetic treatments are an excellent way to proactively… Read More

  4. 10 Common Misconceptions About Liposuction

    While liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries worldwide and has been available for decades, several misconceptions still linger about the procedure, the recovery, and the results. Today, we’ll debunk 10 of the most common liposuction myths and explain the facts. 1. Liposuction Helps You Lose Weight There are limits to how much… Read More

  5. Should You Add Liposuction to Your Tummy Tuck?

    When contemplating a tummy tuck to tighten your abdomen, you should consider if liposuction is necessary to remove excess fat. Many of our patients – especially post-pregnancy moms or people who have experienced significant weight loss – can benefit from combining abdominoplasty with liposuction to meet or exceed their cosmetic goals. Are you on the… Read More

  6. 3 Contouring Options for Your Post-Quarantine Body

    If the time you spent secluded in your home observing COVID-19 protocols impacted your dietary and exercise habits, and you find your contours softer than they used to be, Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Jorge de la Pedraja offers several solutions to improve your outline. Before turning to surgery, it’s wise to break those terrible quarantine… Read More

  7. Medical Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

    A tummy tuck is a procedure designed to flatten and firm your abdominal muscles for a toned, tightened contour. It can also improve your health. After Dr. de la Pedraja removes excess abdominal skin and fat and reinforces the abdominal wall, you will experience an overall improvement in your well-being. Here are four unexpected health… Read More

  8. Body Contouring Options Offering Customized Treatments

    Everyone’s body is unique – including your favorite features and the ones you wish you could change. That’s why it’s essential to seek a plastic surgeon who offers customizable body contouring procedures. They must have the skill and experience to perform safe, effective, and tailored treatment to deliver your desired results. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr…. Read More

  9. When Is the Right Time for Body Contouring After Major Weight Loss?

    Losing a dramatic amount of weight is an accomplishment you can take pride in. But unfortunately, it may lead to another problem that can cause discomfort and a cosmetic issue. Excess skin that can’t rebound over reduced underlying tissue can sag and droop over stubborn pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise. If you… Read More

  10. Mommy Makeover – How Soon Is Too Soon?

    Bringing a new life into this world involves pain and sacrifice. Ultimately, you know it’s all worth it when you feel the incredible rush of joy and love of holding your newborn baby in your arms for the first time. While having a child is a miracle, pregnancy and breastfeeding can drastically alter your figure…. Read More